From left: David Shapiro and Doug MacLachlanAngela Cale, Brian Daum, Jay Dillon, and Bob Rosenkoetter also lend their expertise.

Your client is closing on a building—today—and your standard carrier, who promised to quote it, has just sent you an email saying they’ve changed their mind. Or, perhaps, you find out at the last minute that a “provisional” non-renewal notice your carrier sent out is actually an “absolute” non-renewal notice. Or, in another twist, a client informs you that a formerly fully-occupied building has in fact been vacant for the past six months.

Each of these emergencies has a common theme: you’ll need a property professional—pronto—who not only knows the marketplace, but also knows how to act quickly and work to provide coverage. At Donald Gaddis Company, our property team will help provide solutions for these crises, and more.

On low- to medium- hazard property risks with insured values up to $2 million, we are generally able to quote a package policy with one of our seven binding authority markets. And since we have underwriting authority, we’re able to quote, bind, and issue these policies quickly.

For larger and more challenging exposures that do not fit within these parameters, we represent dozens of excellent markets on a brokerage basis that are able to write manufacturing, municipalities, energy risks, hospitality, builder’s risk, and vacant property, as well as many other classes. We are also prepared to address very specialized needs such as difference-in-conditions, coastal wind, earthquake, flood, deductible buy-backs, cargo, riggers, and bailee’s coverage.



The ACORD forms remain the standard application for property & package risks, but sometimes there are other exposures that require a bit more information. We have posted some of the key program applications and supplements that we use routinely below. Feel free to call us if you have any question about the appropriate application to use for your particular client. We have hundreds more in our library.